Tuesday, November 18, 2008

negativity vlog

Negativity from Sean Keane on Vimeo.

Hey guys, breaking a little positivity-recapturing blog hiatus (pozreblogtus!?) I thought I should respond under my own name, with positivity, instead of via anonymous messages like some people. Some people call them the haters; I don't call them at all ,even though I try, because Verizon won't reveal the restricted call identities, even when they're participating in acts of cyber-vandalism. Anyway, sorry to dwell on this. and above all, keep your own attitudes positive, whether you're on this mailing list or not.

Monday, November 17, 2008

positivity vs. negativity

OK, this mailing list is all about positivity, keeping people updated on events and funny forwards and making a lot of new friends. What I didn't think it would be about was people taking a special private photo and making it defaced. Here's what I received as a pix text message from a restricted private number last week:

Look, I like a Photoshop Phriday as much as anyone, but those are satire and parody, not just hurtfullness with mean puns. Look, I don't think it was anyone on the mailing list that did, but if anyone knows a cyber-detective or someone that knows a lot about hackers, lemme know with a comment or a Friendster message. So far, Verizon won't release the restricted number's identity, but I don't know guys. Sometimes I think people don't know what kind of work goes into this mailing list. Other times I think they just don't understand. And what I don't understand is negativity. Why not be poz? Tell your story; don't be negatory.

BRB, blog. BRB for about a minute (slang; actually gonna be a few days, pull it together, re-think some things, cut the carbs further.)

Friday, November 7, 2008

underground underdesk vlog

Check it out! Recommend - don't reprimand!

positive workouts

I want to keep this positive, so I am going to keep this brief. Don't ever let anyone make you feel bad about yourself for doing the wrong kind of pushup. Everyone who knows anything about fitness knows that the modified variety stimulates COMPLETELY different muscle groups and energy zones. I know I mentioned this in the last two mass mailers, but in case people have only had access to Blogspot and not their emails, I thought it was worth repeating and emphasizing. After all, emphasizing is empathizing. OK peace.

Monday, October 27, 2008

halloween idea

I am dressing as Dr. House for Halloween or at least I am once I find a cane that works. Of course, Iam gonna STAY POSITIVE about the search and I feel good about it. After all, it takes House a while to solve the mysteries in his own life. I am going to be a detective for this costume cane just like House is a detective for killer diseases, and all i know is ITS NOT LUPUS (inside joke for the House peeps). The problem is my beard. I haven't shaved for a week but I don't know if it's House-length yet. Maybe I can tell people I'm house a few days after he took too much vicodin and shaved and it hasn't grown back yet, or I could jsut get that printed on the card. I'll put some prospective costume explanation card paragraphs in the mailing list this week, and you can vote (by text or by reply-all, or just shoot me your home phone and you can make a person-to-person attempt). OK, trick or treat but dont smell 2 many feet. Peace in the middle east.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Some Thoughts on Jack Johnson from Sean Keane on Vimeo.

Sometimes I just sit and think and wonder about Jack Johnson and then sometimes I decide to take that thinking to the next level: MOBILE VLOG YALL! Anyway: JJ concert tour/album notes/mp3 leak updates to tha mailing list: vote yay/nay.